Multiple Charts

and data as a function
Data Functions

This demo also showcases that the data parameter can be a function that will be passed an empty google.visualization.DataTable() giving complete control over the creation of the data

Quickly Build

with explicit objects
function randomData(data) {
  data.addColumn("number", "Hours");
  data.addColumn("number", "Temp. (C)");

  for (let i = 1; i <= 25; i++) {
    data.addRow([i, Math.random()]);

  return data;

    // label: "This prop is optional",
    type: "AreaChart",
    containerId: "chart_div1",
    data: randomData,
    options: {
      legend: "none",
      colors: ["red"]
    // default label if omitted, `containerId`,
    type: "BarChart",
    containerId: "chart_div2",
    data: randomData,
    options: {
      legend: "none",
      colors: ["orange"]
    type: "ScatterChart",
    containerId: "chart_div3",
    data: randomData,
    options: {
      legend: "none",
      colors: ["grey"]



As Many

as you need!
<div id="chart_div1"></div>
<div id="chart_div2"></div>
<div id="chart_div3"></div>